Building knowledge and sustaining our community
This year’s Annual Meeting once again brings together the Learning Sciences community as a whole by combining its two conference programs, the Learning Sciences (ICLS) and Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). These two programs are unified by the theme of “Building Knowledge and Sustaining our Community”. Responding to our three year series of remote, virtual conferences, we aim to revisit the retreat experience of in-person programs. We recognize the value of in-person presentations, learning, networking, mentoring, seeking to revisit (or rediscover) this mode to remember what it is that we had lost.
The theme for this year’s annual meeting, explores the recent unfolding educational and social climate and new roles and practices for technology and distributed communities that have been quick to evolve and become adopted. Despite the growing opportunities for digital and social media for knowledge building among teachers, researchers, and learners, this flux in practice drives the demand for strengthening the theoretical basis for social and computer-mediated practices for teaching and learning under these conditions and challenges members of our community to practice what we preach. As a hub for innovation and for nurturing scholarly leaders, the ISLS has strived to investigate evidence-based practices, inform recommendations, and design technologies that sustain cycles of design and generate new forms of knowledge, interaction and discourse. The ISLS is evolving rapidly, along with the rest of the world, and it is evermore critical that we maintain our own identity, reinforce our connections and build knowledge within and beyond our community. This annual meeting provides an opportunity for sharing our discoveries, reconnecting as an ISLS community.
We look forward to connecting with you as we plan an in-person program, pending changes to COVID-19 restrictions, with options for virtual attendance and participation. Toward supporting the notion of conferences as a knowledge-generating endeavour we are proposing the “long-tails” of activities that precede and follow the annual meeting.
Stay tuned for more details to come.